Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just Because You Are, Doesn't Mean I Am

The Blog would like to use this opportunity to celebrate and congratulate all those things filled with goodness happening outside of Sri Lanka. So without further adue, and in reverse chronological order beginning with the letter P, Come on Down Pete!! (Play price is right music in your head.. doo do de do da doo do de doo do repeat)

Pete & Ren, Congratu-fuckin-lations on your marriage (waaaaaay too belated) and your little bub, Mr Oliver. Who I hear is already learning to phone home like ET with his relatively george-like Fingers. Here's a snap of him when he first popped out and was like, "WTF, I want a Plzen".. those Czech babies sure do start early:

Oh, isn't he darn gorgeous? Looks just like his Pa.

And here's the happy fam.

Joel & Katie: Bout time you got on your knees Joel.. and proposed. Well done. As I am reminded each time I speak to Joel, the final date will be the 3rd of January and I surely wouldn't miss it for the world! Congratulations. Here's a picture of the happy couple at their engagement party.

Oh hang on, I think this is them at their engagement party(1).

George & Phi: Big round of applause for the happily newly married couple. Sorry I couldn't be there, but it may have been best Phi as it could have ended up in another tequilla competition. For those who know them, you would have seen all the photos on their website - sadly, I dont got any with me. So instead, here's a picture of Paul, my ex housemate, on his way to the 'new' star wars VI movie.
Lyle: Yo Bro, congratulations on being a smart pumpkin and winning that Alumni Award for your PhD. Now, go get a high paying job so I dont need to keep volunteering, will ya? Although my brother likes to think he is smart, doing his atmospheric science "i wanna be a weatherman" storm chasing stuff, not-so-deep down he truely is just a redneck. Here's Lyle with a gun, trying to hunt the bear that stole his trailer door:
Byron: You are so funny, talented, experienced, and all other goodly wordly things, and what? You've only just turned 26? Well Gee, Happy Birthday you son-of-a-gun or brother-of-a-gun-tooting-redneck in this case. For all those who forgot, which is half of Melbourne, it was May 3rd - and if I ever earn money as a volunteer, I am writing you out of my wills goddammit. This was my first birthday outside of Melbourne... surprisingly... at least now I know why I ought to have it in Melbourne in the future a) so I can prod people and tell them what to get me, b) get bigger presents, c) so I can win another go-karting championship.

(1) Next time Jozza, when you send photos, try sending ones of the happy newly wed couple? Though I do love alex and bonnie too. Here's John's rendition of the little pooches:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bozza - You have way too much time on your hands - and (surprisingly) too much access to the internet.

Also, to avoid any confusion (and I am not sure whether the joke was intended or not) our wedding is 3rd DECEMBER!!! Don't be late...

1:52 PM  
Blogger Dugi said...

where are u guys? How are u guys? I miss u guys! I called you Emma a few times rang out...hope everything is OKish over there.
Email me...and lemme know how u r doin.
Love u lots!...u too Byron!

3:01 AM  

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