And another thing that shits me...
Those people that know me well enough, will agree that there's a lot of things in this world that absolutely shit me. It's probably because I have an opinion on everything, and therefore have more to be pissed off with. Either way, the beauty of blog's provides me with an outlet to complain and whinge about anything and everything that pissess me off, and then to make some broad sweeping generalisations about it. And foolishly, you guys keep coming back to read about it, so to heck with it, I will continue on my rant of things that shit me.
Political Correctness. It would be extremely easy for me right now to say one thing wrong, and have everyone around me choking on a dozen donkeys about how crude and wrong and unfair and bigot-ist and whatever-ist I am, for merely mentioning the words "Political Correctness" in a negative light. But that's exactly what I am going to do - PC shits me. Now, before you start writing complaints to the editor (oh bugger, that's me and i monitor all comments - delete), which of course are fruitless... please allow me to explain myself. In theory, PC floats my boat, flicks my switch, makes me cream my daks, and all that other stuff that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside as if the world actually is a nice place. But what happens - bare with me here peoples - if PC goes to far?
The development industry tip toes around this issue, and surely must be the driving force and #1 PC sector in the world. Back in the 1970s, we dealt with povo bastards - now we have "beneficiaries". We used to give the bludgers some money to get a haircut and get a real job - no we provide "livelihoods assistance". Tents became "emergency housing". Shacks became "transitional shelters". Hovels became "permanent houses". Ghettos became "communities". Guilt-relief became "donations" or "aid" or "assistance". The dregs that fell through the cracks of society, "marginalised" or "vulnerable". I mean, beneficiaries.. WTF?!?!? I assure you in a few years time there will be no beneficiaries, but "customers of opportunities", or some other wanky series of words that have no meaning but surely can't offend anyone either (oh, except me).
The evolution of the lexicon in the development industry is taking political correctness to such an extend, that people forget what the point of this whole thing is. It convolutes the objectives of what is meant to be done; and blatantly confuses me ("sorry, I meant shelter not house.. what was I thinking?"; "of course there not recipients, there beneficiaries.. apologies, I'm just stoned"; "Did I say poor sob's? what i meant to say was financially challenged marginalised groups of vulnerable and ill-powered non-gender specific homo sapiens. sorry, please don't tell people I’m a bigot"). And I am well aware of the fact that this is not the only industry with it's own linguistics.. full of TLA's (three letter acronyms). Heck, you could probably get a Players Haters Degree [PhD] of PC. So please, I implore you.. before I get blacklisted from the internet for drawing cartoons of un-PC'ness; post a comment to vindicate me with how your sectors lexicon has gone AWOL with PC.
Now, on the brighter side..PORN. There are two reasons why I mention porn. Firstly, porn attracts hits. Unsuspecting porn voyeurs will google porn, and unwittingly cum to my site. So obviously, the more porn I mention, the higher my google-porn rating. Other great words are sex, tits, cock, shit (re topic, re german porn voyeurs), pussy, horse (re texan porn voyeurs, or the dude from 40-y.o. virgin), and of course for the PC porn voyeurs, "horizontal limbo for the fawnication of the species".
Secondly, porn is a great scientific-proven way to differentiate between cultures, classes, races, religons, and whatever else is a proven method of discrimination. So, after hearing about the much vaunted Sri Lankan porn that usually consists of 'Adult Only' western films, and having a workplace that encourages extra curricular learning (a.k.a. they have broadband), I thought I might download some Sri Lankan porn. Obviously in this patriarchal society, there are going to be two very different versions of porn. The picture below is a frame snapshot from a porn video made by a guy:
And of course women not having much ability to view porn, the picture below is what women use to get porn:
[Candy, that ones for you! 8)]
Peace, Love, and Sexually Frustrated Porn Voyeurs.
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