Thursday, September 21, 2006

You Can't Google Whack Byron!

Miss Pringle started it all. I had never bothered to do it. It wasn't something that interested me that much. Often I would do it to my friends, but that's because they seemed, well you know more into it than me. It's not that I have a big ego that I started doing it.. of course, I aint saying I got a small ego either - kinda like patriotism, you aren't patriotic til you're out of your home country and have a few beers in ya. Anyway. I did it. First time. Miss Pringle told me that I was at the top of her list. She googled all the Ambos and added me too, and I topped it. After she googled me, she started asking weird questions.. I had to check it out. So I did. I googled myself. This is what you get: "Byron Pakula". 24 hits. Not bad I figure. Definately not a googlewhack.. what? You don't know what a google whack is? Well my friends.. why don't you google it? Googlewhack. For those who are too lazy.. it's putting two words into google and coming up with only one google hit. If you're a googlewhack, perhaps the world wide web is passing you by?

I've got two more hits coming up soon with my new gig. One of them is a bit boring, just a description of my role - blah blah blah. But the other one is kind of cool. I never get an opportunity to talk about work on my blog, for I like to keep it a bit seperate and am worried that a boss one day will track me down and give me the sack (not that I've got anything bad to say, of course..). But now, my work and my stories is in the public arena. Check out this story I wrote on an Australian Red Cross project we are doing. We are doing another camp in Galle in a week or so, I'll be there again with my camera by my side and pen in hand. Just making sure it's all going swimmingly.. hehe, I said to the doctor in charge of this project at IOM that it was going swimmingly, he got back to me the next day after consulting one of his associates, "What does swimmingly mean.. I thought the project was going well!". Ahh, we drank tea, and laughed out loud for hours on that comment. Dr. X, you are a funny funny man. Anyhoot.. I've never really done communications before, but it's kinda cool.. goes well with the other stuff I have to do. There'll be an installment on the ARC website every month on a different project we do.

Finally, my brother and brother in law got their behinds into gear and sent me some more photos of my newphew Bailley. My other brother Ash is already starting to call him Bails - he wants to turn him into a cricket fan. Here are some more photos of the lil' tacker.. but I promise, after this no more unless he is doing something cute, like throwing up over himself or bowling his first googly.
And here is the little tacker about to lose part of his little tacker. Ash doing the best he can not to drop him:

Pass the Parcel: Lyle's turn to concentrate on not dropping him...
My dad holding him while the Rabbai looks for the excess skin:
Two other things: One, does anyone know how I can archive my previous months worth of blogs to speed things up? I have tried setting it to monthly archive and it don't work. Two, we have almost reached two thousand hits. WOW! I would just like to take this opportunity to thank my adoring fans.. Emma, who hits it every day to give me hope that people are still reading it, and to all the weird dogs and insects and other things out there that I have taken photos of. I luvs ya all. If the 2000th hit can comment so I know who you are when it happens, I will make sure to give you something special.. like a reference!

Peace, Love, and 2000Googlewhacks,



Blogger Dirty Flamingo said...

It's actually great when people use blog comments as a replacement for emails :)

Glad to hear things are going well in your neck of the woods. Is it so hot there you miss winter??? I'd prefer to be melting than freezing, of course something in the middle would be ideal.

As far as baking cakes goes, I was just accepted into a commercial cookery course in Melbourne (all part of our new scheme to get out of suburbia ASAP), so our tentative departure date from this epicentre of all things boring is November 15th rather than January 13.

I'm still going down to Florida for 4 weeks to enjoy a bit of warm weather or perhaps a bit of melting. Either is ok, really.

Full of schemes and cookies,
Adrianna R

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:57 AM  
Blogger Byron&Emma said...

Wow, congratulations Caz. You win a booby prize!! Bah-bow.. a night out with Byron on the piss when he returns to Melbourne in late November, I'm sorry, better luck next time! 8)

... now all I need to do is to scratch my balls and find the time to write another blog entry.

11:04 PM  

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